How are you already looking for New Year’s Activities for your toddler? I can’t believe this year is coming to an end already. It has flown by (don’t they all?!), and now it is time to get ready for the new year! Here are some fun activities to do with your toddlers this New Year’s to celebrate!
New Year’s Activities
1 Dot Stickers, the perfect New Year’s Activity!
If you’ve followed me for any bit of time, you know I love Dot sticker/Dot marker activities. I’m pretty sure we do them for every theme because my girls LOVE them! Just pair this printable with some dot stickers or dot markers and you have this activity set up!

Also, how cute are these?! They make the perfect playroom artwork for the new year!
2 New Year’s Resolution Activities for Toddlers
Setting new year’s resolutions is the classic new year activity that you should get your toddler involved in this year! Let your toddler color their resolutions, and tell you about it for you to transcribe!
A big struggle that I had with my toddlers was trying to explain what a New Year’s Resolution actually is. We landed on saying “What is something you want to do this year?”. I don’t think they truly grasped the concept of a year, but I think that’s the best way to put it in toddler terms. I also found that sharing my own resolutions with my toddlers helped frame our conversation a little better. (But, in case you’re wondering, my girls want to eat lollipops this year)

3 Cutting Activity: New Year’s Eve Wands
This is such a fun and easy craft to incorporate this New Year’s Eve! Your toddler will make “grass cuts” into tissue paper. (I call them grass cuts, but it’s where they cut lines one after another so it resembles grass. These are easier cuts for new scissor users because they can make lots of small cuts). Roll the tissue paper around a pencil with the grass strands sticking up and add some tape. Add some star stickers and you’ve got yourself a New Year’s Eve wand to shake during the countdown!

Is your toddler obsessed with their scissors? Try these other easy scissor activities!
4 New Year, New Playdough Kit
Pair some playdough with some fun themed items to create the perfect playdough kit that your toddler can play with while you get some cooking, cleaning, or relaxing done!

Some fun ideas to include with your playdough:
Numbers 2024 (magnets, resin, erasers, etc).
Pom poms
Star Cookie Cutters
Sparkly Pipe Cleaners (Cut them in half and twirl around a pencil!)
How to make playdough:
Check out my playdough recipe book here (And other great sensory play recipes)! If you want sparkly dough, add a fine glitter to your dry mix!
5 Gross Motor New Year’s Activity: Drop it!
This is just a silly activity that my toddlers love and I’m sure yours will as well! Have a countdown then drop things and say “Happy New Year”. So for example, hold a ball up as high as you can, then countdown “10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1” Then drop the ball. Then everyone says “Happy New Year”. We dropped balls, pillows, stuffed animals, and then jumped and dropped ourselves to the ground. SO MUCH FUN and some counting practice!
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Do you have one for 2023?
Yes! I’ll link it here and in the post!
do you have one for 2024?
Yes! Here’s the link! 2024 Dot Marker Sheets
Do you have one for 2024
Yes! Here’s the link 2024 Dot Marker Sheets