If you are wanting to set up a DIY dramatic play center, then read along. I set up an ice cream themed DIY dramatic play center for my toddlers…. And I am SOOO excited to share this with you.
What is dramatic play for toddlers?
Dramatic play for toddlers is make believe play. There are so many different ways that toddlers engage in make believe play, but when I set up a dramatic play center I am inputting some sort of structure into the dramatic play. This may seem counter-intuitive, but dramatic play centers are a great way to practice desired skills during make believe play. For example, do you want your toddler to practice sharing? Set up a tea party center and have your toddler share tea with you or their baby dolls. Could they choose not to share and choose to play a different way? OF COURSE. I have found that my kids typically play the “intended” way in the beginning then their play starts to change and get more creative the more they play.
How to set up a dramatic play center?
Are there a zillion absolutely beautiful dramatic play centers on Pinterest? YES. Would it cost you a bazillion dollars to recreate these? YES. If you have a bazillion dollars, go for it…if not, USE WHAT YOU HAVE. Don’t have that market set up you see in a lot of posts…no problem, use a book shelf or table….or even a cardboard box! Don’t have all the props you see…no problem DIY your own. Make props by folding paper or print 2D props. My toddler also loves when I put stickers on cardstock and cut them out. They are the PERFECT 2D props!
DIY Dramatic Play Center- Ice Cream Shop
Alright, here is our diy dramatic play center to fit our ice cream shop theme!

I LOVE these ice cream cones! I gave my toddlers some tan paper and brown markers. They decorated then I rolled up the paper to create cones. I used packing tape on the ends to give a little extra support to the bases. The ice creams are just balled up a construction paper. I placed them in our Lovevery felt flower stand, but a cardboard box with holes cut into it or a drink holder from a fast food restaurant would perfectly as well!

These ice creams are perfect for “scooping” into cups or cones. I have a video on my Instagram of how I assembled this stand. Cardboard boxes would work great as well!

This sensory bin was SUCH a hit. I used our rainbow rice as the base then added in all the “sweet” toys we had around the house. I paired it with one of our Usborne books. My toddler loved scooping “sprinkles” into the ice cream cups to share with me!

This sensory tray was also a hit! We used the Ikea Ice Cream Sand kit and a 2 lb bag of kinetic sand. My toddlers played with this for DAYS!
Ice cream shop dramatic play printables for preschool
Ok, ok…now to the NO prep stuff. All you need to do is print and you’ll be ready to go. These printables are PERFECT for your DIY dramatic play center. My favorite printable item here is definitely the “order card”. My toddler loves having the visual to choose what she wants or to ask me what I want. Not only is it cute, but it’s a toddler favorite too!

Get the Ice cream shop dramatic play printables pack here.

Want some Ice Cream Dramatic Play Free Printables? Get the flavor posters here FREE!
Will you be setting up a DIY Dramatic play center? We’d love to see your set up!